In a recent op-ed Warren Kinsella stated: “And it is time for Canadians to choose: Stand with him, [Trump] or stand with us. And if you’re with him, get the hell out. We don’t want or need you.”
First, let me say this entire discussion has gotten from a “joke” to pretty serious really quickly. No one is laughing anymore;
Second, remember Canada was founded in part by the British loyalist refugees of the American Revolution. One can imagine that the very same language of “get the hell out. We don’t want or need you” was a common refrain in 1775-1783;
Third, throughout history this kind of passionate rhetoric can, if we are not careful, result into bloodshed as the various positions start to harden; Fourth, what we need is calm deliberate debate about our country. It is great to see Mr. Kinsella support a strong Canada First argument. This kind of patriotism has not been seen in Canada for a long time as the anti-Canada forces dominated the national discussion.
Fifth, the fact remains that the Loyalists made their choice based on what was best for their family, faith, traditions and loyalties. Expect families of today to do the same thing. It is my observation that about 20% are the real passionate ones on either side of these questions – 60% are in the fuzzy middle and will go with whatever happens as long as they maintain their jobs, keep the house, have retirement funds etc.. Very, very, very few will pay the ultimate price in giving one’s life for what they believe.

It is an absolute miracle that the US has not already taken Canada.
Sixth, it is an absolute miracle that the US has not already taken Canada. It is only because they laid down their sword for whatever reason. They could have swung the victorious Union Army straight north after the US Civil War and completed their longed for “Manifest Destiny” to have the entire North American continent. But they did not. Not that they didn’t think of it. After the US Civil War, Britain was convinced the Americans would attack Canada and sent 1000s of troops in that likely event. Lincoln was encouraged to take Canada but decided he wanted to deal with only one war at a time. Who is to say what would have happened had he lived?
We became a country because of the fear of the US – it is why John A. MacDonald built the railway – to get our troops to the border fast to prevent any US invasion. It is interesting to note that of the 11 statues of John A. MacDonald that were around Canada only 2 remain standing today – thanks to the anti-Canadian stand of our progressives who have nothing good to say about our country and thought it was a show of greatness to butcher Sir John on the pedestal. Surely, the lack of history of the current generation is appalling. Perhaps this latest aggressive tone from our USA neighbours might cause some to re-evaluate Sir John and learn some history of the realpolitik not some fantastical ideology.
My two cents on why we still exist as a country is that after the US Civil War Canadians were seen by Americans as more like Americans. So to “take over” would be seen as rude and “unAmerican”. They had enough of war and were isolationists. Today there is a USA isolationist stance of not getting involved in foreign wars but it comes with a new twist – an active emphasis on American protection of the homeland. Whatever is in the national security interest is going to be pursued. If Greenland, if Panama Canal, if Canada – everything is on the table to protect against Russian or Chinese interference. We are no longer “like Americans” we are different. We are American cousins that have become very distant over the last 6 decades. We make fun of and ridicule the Americans as if we are somehow better than – just listen to CBC for an hour or so. That is not a winning strategy for long term neighbourly relations. The USA may be a lot of things that Canadian progressives do not like but the Americans could care less. Jean Chretien, Brian Mulroney, Stephen Harper all did well playing the delicate balancing act with the Americans and we prospered as a result. The statement of the Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau “There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Canada would become part of the United States.” Is not the winning formula of his predecessors. Instead it is making the matter worse not better.
We all recognize that the USA only has to “twitch or grunt,” as Pierre Trudeau noted, and we are in trouble. The USA can do what it wants with us whether we like it or not. What we need is to appeal to the moral sensibilities of the USA in a respectful stance not bluster. We need wisdom not hyperbole. Cunning negotiation that is bonafide, and shows respect will be the winning formula.
Like I say it is my two cents….