Canada Under Lawfare – Interview with Daniel Freiheit


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Lawyer Daniel Freiheit explains how the federal government uses the legal process as a punishment against the Canadian people. It is a “tactical pattern” of bringing people to court, making them run up legal bills and then dropping the case. Charter rights are only valuable to the extent they are enforced, or their breaches are compensated for. Unfortunately, the courts have not compensated Charter breaches by government with big dollars. This means that the government still has the upper hand in violating the freedom of Canadians. The lack of value given to Charter rights means that lawyers do not want to work on those cases because it is “not worth it” to them.

Both Freiheit and Bussey emphasize the need for the courts to take the governments’ “gaming the Charter” a lot more seriously and protect the people. Further, they call all citizens to hold the governments’ accountable at the ballot box.

The discussion continued in other areas of government over reach including the ArriveCan App and digital ID.

Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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