In the following piece I take a dark view of the future of Canada. It was more an attempt to come to grips with what is happening to Canada. We are in desperate need of a reawaking to what it means to be Canadian. Can we get there in time?
President-Elect Donald J. Trumps is becoming more and more clear – the world, including Canada will be very different from here on out.
The chickens have come to roost in Canada. The post-national state, its lack of ability to know what its purpose is in the world has been sucked from us over the last 9 + years. We have no identity. The strong country of the past that committed its youth to fight Nazism in Europe does not even know what a human being is any longer.
We have lost our purpose, meaning and identity. We are prime for the picking.
In the meantime the Liberal Party of Canada is playing the fiddle as our nation is at its weakest point at a key moment of the new US administration that rightfully points out that the US has absolutely no need for anything Canada produces. We produce nothing that they cannot produce. However what we do have is resources in the ground and in our seas. That we have in abundance and the US is looking over its shoulder and sees that as a nation we have no confidence. We have lost our way. We are as the Bible says: “where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs . That ancient wisdom has come home to roost. These are not sunny days. The high sounding platitudes and showmanship; the mockery of our democratic institutions and burning of our houses of worship; the contempt of our history that gave us meaning; the willingness to be lambasted by those academics who have no connection with our history and communities; has all come to make it very clear – this is not a nation rather, this is “a post-national state.”
John A. MacDonald – whose various statues around the country have been ripped off their pedestals – spoke of a coming war with the US – (quoted by Pierre Trudeau in his famous “sleeping with an elephant” speech https://cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.3593435…)
“A brilliant future would certainly await us were it not for those wretched Yankees who hunger & thirst for Naboth’s field – War will come someday between England & the United States and India can do us Yeoman’s service by sending an army of Sikhs – Ghoorkas, Belooches etc.etc. across the Pacific to San Francisco and holding that beautiful & immortal City with the surrounding California – as security for Montreal & Canada.” This is quoted in by https://worldsikh.org/an_army_of_sikhs_for_canada_in_1867…
There will be no “army of Sikhs” necessary today. As Trump revealed last week – he does not need a military force he just needs to use the economic power of the US to convince Canadian’s to play ball and become a state. He has a valid point that we must take to heart. We cannot any longer arrogantly think the US owes us anything. We rely totally on the US for our economic well being. The US tolerates us. It allows us to have our car plants and sell the vehicles to the US. They do not need us. We need them. What they do need is our raw minerals. We are in a pitiful state where the leftists dominate all our public institutions. As James Kitchen @KitchenWellsLaw argues even our Charter of Rights has been read into obscurity.
With Canadian institutions demonizing our history we are left staggering with the onslaught of criticism. Of course every country has dark shadows from the past but we are to use them to learn from not wallow in contempt. Trump’s trolling has shown that the minstrel has no clothes on.
The pretense of being a country is gone. We are but a shadow of the confident liberators of The Netherlands in WWII. It is costing the US big money to allow Canada to have its current perks. There comes a time when Canada can no longer say we are an ally of the US and not share in the cost of defending our own coasts. We have universal healthcare in no small part because we are not spending billions on the military. I am not a militarist – far from it but I am a realist. You cannot expect another nation to look after your affairs and then treat them with disrespect as we have seen in the last few weeks when our “feminist” Prime Minister called the US misogynist for electing Mr. Trump.
If we are to be serious on the public stage again we must get back to first principles. Michel Maisonneuve showed in stark language https://nationalpost.com/opinion/michel-maisonneuve-criticizing-the-government-does-not-politicize-the-military… that the Canadian Armed Forces needs proper funding not permission to wear nail polish and man-buns. This same sentiment is needed in a host of other areas of concern in this country.
We cannot be taken seriously when we have given the CRTC the authority to govern the internet and the almost successful attempt to incentivize snitches in Bill C-63 to put into prison those who “might” say something harmful. The bloated bureaucracy has reached a boiling point as more and more of our work force is made up of government employees.
We are about the size of California but go about the world as if we are a prominent nation. We have blown former Prime Minister Laurier’s wish to be dominant player in the world with a purpose. We are nothing of the sort. Our fate is no longer in our hands – we have lost the will to have a good purpose as to why we exist.
Now we will see if we perish……… What do you think? Do we know who we are anymore? What is our purpose? How best can we revive from this state of affairs? What should we be doing with our educational system – are we teaching children what it means to be Canadian? What does Canadian mean anymore?