Comply or Else – Interview with Jeffrey Tucker


Economic Warfare is being waged in Canada for all the world to see.  Jeffrey Tucker, founder of The Brownstone Institute, wrote a chilling description of Trudeau’s imposition of the Emergencies Act and the freezing of bank accounts of anyone who does not agree with Trudeau’s ideology.  “What we are seeing right now in Ottawa reveals the hegemonic depth of the system that gave us lockdowns, then mandates: it is now capable of freezing your accounts and essentially starving you and your family. It’s economic warfare. This was a wild conspiracy theory last year. Now it is very obvious that this is where many governments want to go. We’ve seen examples just in the past week.”  Join Barry W. Bussey and Jeffrey Tucker as they discuss the radical nature of this new warfare that is capable of killing dissent without a shot being fired. 

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Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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