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A blog on the legal, political, and social concerns related to our first freedoms

A Free Canada in Peril

A Free Canada in Peril

Barry W. Bussey When Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau was questioned by a reporter as to how far he would go with the War Measures Act in 1970, he retorted, “Just watch me!” Canada was in a full-blown terrorist crisis brought on by the Front de libération du...

The New Symbol of Resistance and The Rule of Law

The New Symbol of Resistance and The Rule of Law

Who would have thought that jerry cans would become Canada’s newest symbols of freedom? Hundreds of pro-trucker demonstrators in Ottawa have presented Canadian history with a new way of looking at freedom:  the red gasoline cans and yellow diesel cans.  This...


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The Fourth Turning Is Now!

The Fourth Turning Is Now! Beat the censors, sign-up for our newsletter: Barry has started a series of Freedom Focus discussions on the work of American authors Neil Howe and William Strauss...

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