What the Hell is Going On?  Interview with Donald Lee Part Two


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Author and speaker Donald Lee continues his conversation with Barry about the movements that are afoot in our current environment that is causing a lot of confusion.  What is truth?  Should we not be on a quest for truth in our age?  Why are there only a few who are willing to stand out from the crowd? 

These are just a few of the questions that Donald Lee talks about with Barry.

Donald’s book What the Hell Is Going On?: The Web of Fraud That Is Enslaving Everyone and How We Can Escape to Freedom (https://www.amazon.ca/What-Hell-Going-Enslaving-Everyone/dp/1990893007/) has become increasingly popular.  After hearing this two part interview of Donald you will know why. 

See Donald’s website at:  https://www.cominghomespirit.com/

Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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