Freedom Feature, Video Header
Beat the censors; sign up for our newsletter: “As long as you’re abiding by the law, challenging the government is a healthy thing and we should never be afraid of it.” – Eva Chipiuk On January 23, 2024, The...
Freedom Feature, Video Header
Beat the censors; sign up for our newsletter: “Canadians were so united in their cause that no matter what the challenge was, they came together and figured out how they were going to help.” – Eva Chipiuk...
Freedom Feature, Video Header
Beat the censors; sign up for our newsletter: “We’ve reached a point where our institutions have lost all credibility. . . . It’s us now. . . . We have to look to our peers for insight and some idea of the...
Freedom Feature, Video Header
Beat the censors, sign-up for our newsletter: “If you take a bunch of people and tell them that they’re victims . . . but here’s a cheque every month—that’s a setup. It’s about . . . creating a generation of...
Freedom Feature, Video Header
Beat the censors; sign up for our newsletter: “To take . . . an individual’s principles and their most deeply held views and say you must change them in order to satisfy my view of the world—I think is a...
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